Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Today is day 16 of the workout year. No loss on scales. Therefore I AM NOT WEIGHING ANYMORE. That's it for me. Stupid, stupid scales. I HATE THE SCALES.

Went down to little gym at lunch. Said I wasn't going to do this again but oh well. Did 2 minutes on the ellip. The thing about this demon machine is that you can't make it stop. Your legs just keep moving and moving. I found a way around that, I just fell off. Not kidding. Then did the bike on fat burner mode for 15 minutes. Then did walking outside for 13 minutes. SO THERE...... 30 WHOLE MINUTES OF ACTIVITY.

Today I ate yogurt, a lunchables with turkey sub, an apple, a 100 calorie pack of midget cookies, diet coke, and crystal lite tea. Supper is yet to be decided.

Somebody told me about a show on fitTV called 'dance your butt off'. Am going to have to find this. Thanks Keisha!

You know those 18 free classes at the big gym? Well none of them are at night or after work. Which means how am I supposed to go to that?????? They have 1 aerobics class at 6 am. I don't know what level this is. I need virgin aerobics level. Maybe I can talk my supv into letting me trade some time so I can go to the dance class? I really want to go to that one. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Change of plans. Today was overcast and a balmy 86 degrees. I almost skipped to my car after work! What a difference 15 degrees makes. Decided to walk around downtown instead of the gym. Who knows when the temp will be like this again. Put all my stuff in the car and just went up one block and down another and another and another!

Monday, June 28, 2010

If I had listened to Patsy Cline I would have gone out walking after midnight instead of on my lunch hour. Oh my gosh it is so freaking hot. Did 1 mile. Too tired to think or type. Later!

P.S. tomorrow is BIG gym day!!! good bye little gym.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

So today I recorded "total body sculpt with gilad". Now Gilad aka rambo and his clones are using the beaches of Hawaii for their workout. Their backdrop is the ocean, sailboats, and the sound gentle waves lapping against the shoreline. I am, however, in a mobile home in North Little Rock with a backdrop of my kitchen bar that has a bowl of oranges on it and the sound of a cat who is mad I made him move from out of the middle of the floor.

In addition, one of the clones has on a ripped tshirt. Bought that way I am sure. I have on a torn tshirt because it it 10 years old and has holes in it from when the dryer got to hot and burnt it. It looks like somebody took a cigarette and made tiny holes all over it.

It did not escape my notice that the clones are all perfect bodied, tanned, toned, and showed no capacity for sweating that I could see. Again I am not motivated by seeing the 'after' people, I WANT TO SEE THE 'BEFORE' PEOPLE. GIVE ME SOME FLUFFY PEOPLE TO WORKOUT WITH. I want some whining, sweating, begging for mercy people to stand beside me and do this mess.

The show has four five minute segments. I lasted for 2. The moves they were doing were not that bad. It is just I am so out of shape. Will try for segments 3 & 4 later today. They involve hand weights. I just happen to have two 5 lb weights that have been used as paper weights for a number of years as well as to hold the door open on grocery day.

Have been cleaning the house and am about to skip joyfully down to the dumpster to take out two bags of trash. May just try for a few cartwheels on the way back.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Glad it is friday. Did bike at gym with real weight plugged in to it. I think the machine has an ugly side now that I have been totally honest with it. Seemed to be alot tougher on the hills in the program. But hey, maybe I imagined that. The walk to the car went really very well. It was 98 degrees. I only stopped once,(did not sit down),for about 30 seconds, then plowed on. I was quite pleased with myself. Now that is not to say I wasn't dripping wet with sweat, my eyes were glazed over, and my car seemed like an mirage in the desert BUT all in all it wasn't bad.

Also my daughter ran on the treadmill today for 45 SECONDS! Shocked her so bad that she could do that, that she just stopped cold. She has been walking for weeks and has participated in a 5k walk/run.

Got some good comments today on here and facebook about food choices. THANKS FRIENDS! Does anybody know if tortillas are ok with turkey by that I mean are they a better choice than wheat bread? Gotta get to the grocery tomorrow.

Regarding the scales, I just don't think I will weigh for a very long time. It just bums me out too much at this early stage of the game.

Next week I am going to the BIG gym.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ok, so yesterday I didn't post. I had a job interview, then I worked over, then then then. THAT'S NOT THE REAL REASON I DIDN'T BLOG. The real reason is I weighed two days ago and I haven't lost one stinking ounce.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!NOT ONE OUNCE. Now what do you have to say about that?????

Today I walked the 1/2 mile round trip to work. AND I went to the little gym and did the bike for 19 minutes and TADA 4.50 miles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I did the fat burner cycle this time. I also drank water every other breath all day long. I wish they let us have a locker for the week. I do not like lugging all my clothes, shoes, and crap down to the ghetto parking lot after the workout. UGH! Today is day 9 of the workout?? Do you know this is the longest I have ever done anything athletic???I am pretty jazzed about that.

Now before long we have to start talking about food. Not today though. Well let's talk about it a little bit. I need some lunch ideas and snack ideas.

Also I have another goal-I want to walk (dare I say jog, run) in the Jingle Bell Run this December in Little Rock.I am already planning my outfit right down to the bells on my shoe laces!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Today, I went to the gym at lunch. BIG MISTAKE. First off everybody was there plus some kids!!!!!I thought this was a no kids zone. It took 15 minutes to get down, change, and get in to the workout area. Then I did 15 minutes on the bike i.e. 3.75 miles, then 15 minutes to change back, then 15 minutes to eat a sandwich. My hair was wringing wet with sweat and I felt sticky the rest of the day. No more gym at lunch for me. Not enough time to workout given the constraints of changing, etc. I am not even going to go into the locker room trauma drama, tons of people, yatada, yatada.

At 5:30 this afternoon the temp was 100 degrees. I started my 4 block hike to the car. Although it was incredibly draining, I felt a little stronger today on the walk. Wasn't quite as winded. Had to stop once for about 2 minutes to get my breathe back and drink water. Boy, I wish the downtown trolley went by my parking lot.That would be sweet!

Tomorrow I go back to the after work routine. It's just better that way.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Today was my work at home day. So no gym. Instead, I decided to walk just at dusk, when the sky is turning from fiery sunlight into the deep charcoal of a summer night. Yes, it is still hot, but it is different. I have an old rag top convertible. It's the kind of night I like to pop the top and just drive. The sky, the stars, the night. I just let what is left of my hair blow in the wind. My son passed away several years ago. It is the kind of night I would just drive and wave hello to him.

But I digress. Tomorrow kids, the ellip has got to be turned up to 2 minutes. That's the plan. More leg presses, I also plan to tell the bike what I really weigh. That ought to get its wheels spinning! May add 1 new machine to the mix. Depends on how the other goes.

I have been icing a seedless watermelon in the frig for 2 days. Am going to go have some of that right about now.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Well today is a day for goal setting. First I though I should tell you a little more about my gym situation. I have 2 gyms. The building I work in has a little gym. It has the circuit machines, tread, bike, ellip, etc. All the usual suspects. The company I work for has a big gym, two blocks down. This is where the gym nazi resides. Big gym also offers 18 classes as well. All of this is F-R-E-E to me. I know, I know, I really have absolutely no excuses! One of the classes is a 30 minute dance cardio deal. Sounds fun to me. Goal # 1 is to go to this class.

Every Sunday I absolutely love to read the newspaper. It is a ritual with me. I always save the Target circular until last. To me it is the dessert of the paper. Goal # 2 is to be able to buy and wear the cute little workout clothes they have in all the cute colors!!!!!
I am in a trimming down state of mind. I had, until yesterday that is, a big, cumbersome comforter on my bed. Was 10 years old, was lumpy, had seen better days. So I chunked it. The thing took up my whole trunk! Then I went to the Great Clips Salon and told them to cut my hair OFF SHORT. I am talking just a tad longer than Jamie Lee Curtis short. The theory being, I want to only have to put a dab of product in my hair, run my fingers through it and wa-la, DONE. Goal # 3 is to take my short hair self, and my work clothes to the gym in the early am. Do the workout or take a class, shower and then go to work. THIS WOULD BE A HUGE STEP FOR ME. Maybe I should make a bucket list for this year. Things I want to do during the workout year. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I am focusing on light and airy. I want nothing to tie me down and weigh me down.
Am going to do a lap around my neighborhood tonight i.e. 1 mile I think. Am putting on my Ipod, cranking up everything from Gaga to Cash to Elvis to Stones and back again.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Well, I went to the Big Dam Bridge at 8:00 this evening. By then it was only 85 degrees. Started walking it. The bridge is roughly 3/4 of a mile across it. I probably walked 1/4 of it when it started a thunder storm with lightning. I am all about this exercise deal but not to the extent of getting struck by lightning!

All ages walk, run, bike on the BDB. Saw a mother pushing a double stroller with twins. Thought about my cuz out in New Mexico who pushes her babies like that. She is a fitness guru too. Now regarding the bikers, I must say these people are serious! They are wearing their spandex shorts, helmets, and are bent over on the bikes so much they are practically parallel with the ground. One whizzed by me and provided a nice breeze! Although I would like to eventually ride a bike, I am thinking more of a model like those lime green bikes on the Regions Bank commercial. They are old school and cool!

Got a comment today on the blog that says I should do 5 days of workouts per week. Now this sounds like a plan I could live with. I don't know who you are O.One but I like your way of thinking!

I didn't go to the gym yesterday. THERE I ADMIT IT. I, GYM VIRGIN, DID NOT GO TO THE GYM YESTERDAY! My husband saw I got home early and asked me if I went to the gym and I LIED. I said I went at lunch time. What a crock. I mean if I go at lunch time, then I will look like a wet noodle at work for the rest of the day. Well I guess I could TRY going at lunch. I have been whining that a one hour lunch is too long anyways. I could try that, I think. maybe. My sister says if you get the exercise out of the way early in the day then you don't have to dread it. Of course, my sister plays tennis, and is a size 6. SHE DID NOT GET ANY OF THE FLUFFY GENE POOL. I got every single one of them. Now I tell you on what planet is that fair?

Today's workout routine (I like saying routine because it makes it sound like I know what I am doing) is to go down to the Big Dam Bridge and try to walk over it. Yes kids, they really named it the Big Dam Bridge. It is fitting in more ways than one. I will let you know how that goes when I walk over the Big Dam Bridge. I just like saying the Big Dam Bridge. Big Dam Bridge, Big Dam Bridge, Bid Dam Bridge.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I can't even think I am so tired today. I did 1 minute on the elliptical. My legs turned to jello after 30 seconds. I wanted to die. Had to use 30 seconds just to stop the machine. Then went to bike for 13 minutes. I put a towel over the numbers thinking I could psyche myself out. NOT. Then I went on to the leg press. Now this is a deal where you push this big metal thing out with your legs. I picked the weight level 4 out of about 25 I think. Anyways, it was HEAVY. Did that for about 20 reps. "Reps" thats what the gym nazi calls it. Then I fell off the leg press, crawled to the locker room to get my bag.

Now the last two days I have been parking in the building's parking tower i.e. $ 10 per day. However, today I had to go back to parking in the ghetto lot i.e. $ 15 per month. The sun was blazing, my butt was dragging, and I thought about falling out in the street and hoped a cop would pick me up.

I want a tee shirt that says, "if found return to gym." Because kids, this is getting harder and harder.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Well kids, I neglected to tell you yesterday that I was too much of a wuss to go into the locker room, so I did the workout in my dress clothes! I know... how pathetic is that. Probably have to burn those clothes they got pretty hot and sweaty.

So today, I put on my big girl panties and marched myself right into the locker room like I owned the place. Now here's the thing, nothing is private in there. The only place to change clothes was to go into the shower area. And I use that term loosely, there is no shower door only a flimsy curtain. Once I made the mad dash to change, I peeked my head out around the curtain, looked both ways, and scooted my happy self over to the community bench to put on my shoes. I was feeling so proud of myself until in walked the twinkie, the size 4 twinkie who just bounced around all over the locker room like a kangaroo on speed. I wanted to yell, "do you have to parade your size 4 self all over the place?" Where are all the fluffy people? I ask you, where is the locker room and gym for fluffy people?????

Anyways, today I decided to give the recumbent bike another go round. Yesterday I did 18 minutes and 3.50 miles. Today, drum roll please, I did 18 minutes and 4.11 miles! I had 2 whole endorphins rise up and get excited. Tomorrow, I will try the elliptical. The thing is up on stilts I think. Hauling my butt up there will be a sight in itself.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I went to the gym. I spent 5 minutes trying to get the lock to open on the locker. I had to put my gym bag in there. I started just to take it into the workout area but was afraid the gym nazi would confiscate it.
I ambled over to the recumbent bike and selected the "random" program. The bike then asked me how much I weighed. I though that was a little pushy seeing as how we had just met. I lied and punched in 150. The bike then told me I was going to do 30 minutes on the random program and then boom bada bing it started. I pedaled, I sweated, I went 3.5 miles and crashed and burned after 18 minutes. Thought I was going to die.

Then I waited. Waited for the endorphins to kick in. Waited for that euphoric high exercise is supposed to bring. It is 2 hours since I exercised and I AM STILL WAITING ON THOSE FREAKING ENDORPHINS! I think I have one lousy endorphin that just couldn't rally the troups. Either that or somebody has lied to me about this exercise business.

In exactly 3 1/2 hours, the odyssey begins. I will have to cross the threshold of the G-Y-M. I have found out where the scales are. I guess I will weigh. I am going to take pictures of the machines I will use today. I had a salad at lunch and I am pumped! Ready to rock and roll. Ready to be a lean, mean, exercising machine. Ready to be able to limp back out to my car without whining.

Now I need a goal of how long to do this exercise thing on the 1st day. Any suggestions out there??? I am thinking 15 minutes. What say ye?

Monday, June 14, 2010

and all through the house, the gym virgin was trying to think up ways to avoid the the gym tomorrow. I thought about it and right now I walk about 1/2 mile to and from my work building (parking lot to building). I thought it was more like 10 miles, but so much for my estimating.

I don't know what I am going to wear at said gym. There is not alot of plus size stuff out there. That is unless you want to look like those gals on the biggest loser and wear the bra things and spandex short things and let all your fluffiness just hang in the wind! I don't even think so.

The other issue is the scales. Is ignorance bliss? Would I be better off not knowing? Decisions, decisions, decisions

Sunday, June 13, 2010

What does it say about a person if the gym orientation wears you out? What does it say about a person if all you are thinking is "where's a place to sit down?" What does it say about a person if you are the only one in the group who doesn't know what a "glute" is?

I'll tell you what it says you are 53 years old, need to lose over 100 lbs, and are athletically challenged.

My name is Gym Virgin and I have never worked out in my life.