Monday, March 21, 2011


well to catch up.......well that's about it.LOL

not really......trying to live without coca cola......learning to love tab and fresca.....walked some vitamins, b12 and some other stuff......

Thursday, March 10, 2011

up at 6:34 am....went to the park...walked 1 and 1/2 miles....went to walmart...bought healthy food.....came home and realized i locked myself out of my house....

Friday, March 4, 2011

12:10pm .....forgot to tell you, the company doctor is actually a nurse practioner. she told me to keep a food and exercise journal. this morning for breakfast i had: egg white spinach omelette/1 pc whole wheat toast/1 banana/1 canned coke/1 tble butter.

walked to work from parking lot. i thought this took 10 minutes. crap it was only 4 minutes and that was from the car to my freaking desk! more later.

1:00 snack...16 oz unsweet tea...special K 90 calorie snack bar

4:00 lunch...16 oz water...grilled chicken on wheat, lettuce, mustard, tomato...walked 20 minutes

6:00 slices with 1 oz carmel sauce
6:13 snack...5 choco pretzels
9:00 supper...roasted chicken, pasta plain, water.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I had blood work done. I have never taken this seriously before. I have never had a doctor act like this was serious UNTIL NOW. Nobody in a white coat has ever acted like my numbers were bad.

I went to the company's health clinic they provide to employees. They called me today with my results. They were not happy. Now I am not happy. Here is the result:

Cholestrol 294 supposed to be <200
Triglycerides 278 supposed to be <150
LDL cholestrol 187 supposed to be <130
HDL cholestrol 51 GOOD
Thyroid levels 1 GOOD
Sugar levels 95 GOOD should be in 65-99 range
Vitamin D GOOD

They told me to go to the American Heart Association and get the low saturated fat diet. Am to do this for 8 weeks before they re-test the labs. Am to walk 20 minutes daily and work up to 30 minutes. They told me I cannot wait another day to do this. I AM TOTALLY FREAKED OUT! and I should be. THANK YOU COMPANY HEALTH CLINIC. I ONCE WAS BLIND BUT NOW I SEE.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

March is almost here kids! So I am dedicating the blog to all things green. Green food, green nature, green people, saving some green, green green, and more green.

I am much better today i.e. regarding the 14 freaking flights of stairs deal from Thursday.

Me and a young lady on my team at work, LORETHA, have joined the Fitness Club deal they are doing. I don't know what it is all about yet, but Loretha and I are in it to win it. Loretha is also going to show me how to ride the CAT bus. If gas goes much higher, my happy butt will be catching the bus. So far Loretha has told me when we do our trial run I am NOT to make eye contact with anyone. That is rule 1 she says. I don't know if I want to know rule 2. But hey...I am up for anything.

I am going to clean my house today. I am doing some leg lifts as well to try and work the rest of this soreness out.

Time for lunch...must have something green!

Friday, February 25, 2011

2/24/2011.......I have not done diddly in 3 weeks....have been sick with bronchitus from the dark today I am at work and the word comes down to evacuate the building...I am on the 14 th floor...just today I had filled out the questionnaire that asked if you needed assistance in case of emergency...I said No, I don't need assistance. what a load that was...emergency declared and we are told to evacuate the building...I begin the slow descent down 14 freaking flights of stairs...floor 8 I stopped to rest and told the rest of the people behind to go on... one guy who stood with me...i then went down to the 4 th floor...stopped, me and my guy rested and caught my breath...legs are now in rubber spaghetti land...hobble down to the last floor...almost pass out...can't walk...sit down and wait for good looking fireman to take me out...that didn't happen either...come on people, what does a gal have to do to get rescued by a fireman????????probably be 20-something and a size 2..........the emergency was declared over and I go back up to my office...I am now pushing a chair in front of me like a 100 year old woman on a tennis ball walker....20 minutes later we are told to get in the stairwell...... tornado warning...i hobble to the stairwell....we wait....go back to my office on the arm of another good samiritan....I made sure my team saw this...I told them they just left me hanging!!!LOL.....15 minutes later another tornado warning back to the stairwell...this time my team fought over who could help me get there...we wait...emergency team takes me back to my office...i pray to high heaven I do not have to see the stairwell again for a very, very long time. I am done!!!!!!!!!!!
2/25/ wobbly anymore but there is pain in my legs that is cutting like a knife...i am now remembering why i am not an athlete...evidently (insert jack nicholson's voice here) i can't handle the truth/pain!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

No walk today...some moron parked in my spot...had to go to parking tower...called parking lot guru...she was going to take care of the moron in my spot...AGH!

the vegan thing from yesterday...started looking at things like mayo...everything has animal products in it...EVERYTHING!!! how can you be totally vegan??? why can't you have milk products...getting the milk doesn't kill the cow or harm him in any what's so wrong about that???

Ginger, at work, has accomplished 2 days without carbonated beverages!!! YEAH Ginger!!!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

So I am watching Oprah just now...Her staff went vegan for a week...they were talking about how good they is not just meat but meat that I had never thought of. So iI binged 'vegan' and did you know there are vegan caterers??? for vegan weddings??? Could I vegan for a day? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I could probably vegan-ish for a day.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Looked like rain today, but did not do it while I was walking to and from the building today. In an ongoing effort to reduce fat and be debt free, I decided to leave my purse at home. I brought for lunch a yogurt, a banana, and a cheese stick. If I had brought money, I would have bought a cheeseburger. If I would have seen Jamie Lee Curtis and her Activia yogurt commercials, I would have punched her out. I also would have paid $ 5.00 for anyone who had a stick of chocolate chip cookie dough. Might have went as high as $ 10.00. Truth be known, I would have traded my IPOD. I am so freaking hungry. Co-worker brought me some chocolate covered, peanut butter laced Bugles. Sounds totally gross, but kids, it was not bad. Not bad at all. I didn't even know they still made Bugles.

Will probably add a block or so to the walk. Am really pleased I have done this now for almost 2 weeks running. For me that is huge.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day off day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Started working on the closet of horrors. What a land mine. am throwing away stuff like crazy. found a Christmas book of pictures when April was married to the ex moron...tossed it all. didn't even salvage the pictures without him in it. tossed 2 lamps, baskets, picture frames, clothes, ribbon, wrap paper,.college books, papers, binders..have not even made a dent in this crap. almost tossed dell printer but didn't pledge to toss 3 things every day until this closet is clean and the office is walk in able!!!!!! My goal is as weight comes off the body...weight is also going out of my house....I am tired of saving things. had a ton of empty boxes I was saving to wrap things in. out out out . My criteria before tossing...if I don't truly love it, or if it doesn't make me laugh or is gone!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

1:07 pm
I think finally I am on to chocolate (much) and walking every day. 3.2 lbs in one week. That's more than most of the last 6 months.

It is a freaking gorgeous day!!!! I may go back to the dam bridge. MAY

Friday, January 28, 2011

10:55 am Skipped to work, well not really, but did walk with a bounce in my step. Day 5 without chocolate.

2:00 pm Chocolate record just crashed:( Company bought chocolate cake for everybody from Community Bakery, which means it will be very, very good. Well really I don't know if you can even count chocolate cake as a REAL chocolate. A REAL chocolate would be like a Hershey Kisses and Hershey with almonds. Wouldn't it???????

11:24 pm Good night.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Can I grow my bank account and shrink my butt at the same time???? I have not had chocolate for 4 consecutive days. What's the big deal you ask? Well I will tell you... me and chocolate have had a very torrid love affair since before ET discovered Reese's Pieces. And the thing is I don't know why I haven't had chocolate. Well yes I do. I have not been inside a store of any kind all week. Usually, I will buy a candy bar when I am in a check out line. Could it really be that simple? No shopping=no chocolate.

Topic Jump...When I walk 4/10 of a mile daily to and from work...somebody help me I am about to do math which I hate...4/10 of a mile x 5 days = 20/10 = 2 miles?????? Is that right?????Let's pretend it is so I can just be so pleased with myself. Now, what would I have to walk to make that 3 miles per week??? Well, crap I guess I will have to get in my car and track the mileage around the block or something.

February starts next week...I need some IPOD music suggestions for February walking etc???????

BTW, I have come across another blogger you might find Young college kid doing her 1st marathon. Now here's what I liked. She ran over the Big Dam Bridge. She says the bridge has a 5% incline. 5% FREAKING INCLINE. NOW WONDER THE GYM VIRGIN WAS TOTALLY WIPED OUT. Nobody told me nothing about a 5% incline.
Oh and another thing, my sister aka drill seargeant, she tells me after I barely had time to savor the victory of my crossing the Big Dam Bridge...She says I have to incorporate this into my weekends now. Meaning she is suggesting I do this EVERY WEEKEND. I am not hauling my bubble butt across that dam bridge again. .....well I might think about it.....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

So today was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Joyfully did my little walk to and from the work building. One of my team members walked with me this afternoon. Now hold on, you won't believe this...I walked AND talked at the same time. Now let me tell you we were going at a good clip. Well it was a good clip for the Gym Virgin. hehehehehehehe

Update on the SHAPE magazine. Have decided I don't like it. Well at least not all of it. The good part of the mag are the tips they have on a variety of subjects. The bad part is alot of the articles are written by aliens who think pulling on their tiny little workout capris and bra tops and scampering off to the gym is just the best thing ever. They all lie. I have decided I don't trust anybody under a size 10. If you are a single digit person, I have serious doubts about you.


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I am in serious pain here people! Today, I barely made it out of bed. I only thought things hurt yesterday. Today they are unbelievable. Hope I make the freaking walk to work. Correction, have to make the walk to work. I AIN'T PAYING $ 10 TO PARK ANYMORE.

Monday, January 24, 2011

So today...I got up. Now that is pretty freaking good since every major muscle group in my bubble body is now screaming with pain!!!!! It occured to me that I get up, just to go sit down in my chair. What the crap!

So I got my hand weights and did something I got out of my Better Homes and Gardens magazine. You squat and then you lift the weights above your head. I wish I were a Weeble. Because kids, I do wobble and quite frankly, I fell down.

The next deal is feet apart, bend from the waist, weights in hands...then you bend, keeping your back straight and try to get shin level with the weights. 12 reps of that crap.

By this time Mr. Chubby Checker has come on my Ipod and I decide it is just as good to 'twist' with chubby than kill myself with weights. For all you older kids out there, I think this morning I could have qualified for Dick Clark's American Bandstand:) I topped that off with Loco-motion. Back in the day, I think I had a cheerleader routine to this. Where are poms poms when you need them. hehehehehehehe

Time to do other things and then go to work. Today the pavement is wet, it has been raining. This will be huge for me, I am scared to death of wet pavement, falling, the whole deal. It's a block and a 1/2 surely to goodness I can do this. I am NOT paying $ 10 to park in the deck. I AM NOT.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


So Husband and I are coming back from April's and I tell him I am going to do the BDB thing once and for all. He says he will go to, only he is going to jog.

We get there and I need a bathroom. Today I started drinking more fluids and think I am going to explode. The BDB has a bathroom building, but dang it they have a closed sign on it. Next to the building is a port o potty. Well desperate times call for desperate measures. I put on my gloves and went in there. It was not as bad as I was worse. I will have to burn the gloves now, but oh well.

I can't find Husband and figured the man has already started jogging. I pull on my tobaggan and start the odyssey. Today, I am crossing this bad boy bridge off my list.

I walk and am doing pretty good...for about 3 minutes. The uphill starts to take its toll. I walk, I stop, I walk, I stop. I think if I can just get to the middle of the BDB I can sit on a bench and rest for a minute. I make the first curve of the BDB and want to die. I start thinking, why did I put this on my goal list? Why in the world did I try this BDB last summer? I must have been delusional.

I get to the center and park my bubble butt on the bench. I was there for about 30 seconds, when I started hearing the voices. I thought I heard the Husband telling me to get up and get moving. Then, I swear, I heard my sister in St. Louis, getting out her drill seargeant voice along with her whistle and I decided it was probably in my best interests to move it along.

I start the downhill slide and decide the BDB looks the same from this side as it does from the other side. I don't know what I thought would be over here, but this wasn't it. I got passed, TWICE, by a pack of old men who were reliving WWII and what should have been done. Then I got nearly run over by two idiots on racing bikes. I was kinda hoping they would crash. Then I got eyes rolled at by a gang of tween girls, talking on their phones and all but doing cartwheels on the BDB. Probably a bunch of cheerleaders. AGH.

Started the trek back over. Still haven't seen husband, but wonder if he is now in the car and if I don't come back will he come and get me? See some brush on the ground and think about building a fire and sending smoke signals to him. But, dang it, I don't have a match. I trudge on.

I get back to the middle of the BDB and again park my butt. At this point it starts to rain. After having fallen a year ago, in the rain, walking to work, I am petrified of that happening again. Literally petrified. I decide the comic Jerry Seinfeld is right. He says there is no difference between 'it's great' and 'it sucks.' Because at that moment I was thinking this sucks, but what I said out loud to the rain was Oh this is just great.

I decide it is time to haul myself off the bench and down the BDB before the downpour really starts. One foot in front of the other. I can do this. Finally, finally I see the end. I see Husband in the car and he is coming to meet me. Another 30 seconds, and it is all over.

I begin to think about the next time I will go to the BDB. After mulling it over, I suddenly wished I had a magic marker. Because I would have written on that Big Dam Bridge "The Gym Virgin was here and she ain't coming back. THE END"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

So Son just called...he wants to re-start the contest on Monday LOL...I love it...Husband CLAIMS he has lost 10 lbs...the man can't half see, I don't know if I trust his reading of that itty bitty # on the scale in a dimly lit utility room in our house. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I have lost 2 lbs. Why don't I get to be the people who lose like 8 lbs in 3 days????? Why, I ask you, Why???????

At my work, we are going to do a Biometrics deal on everybody. The whole world is going healthy!!! Well, my company has always been that way. They are awesome:)

Tomorrow, I am going back to the Big Dam Bridge. I am NOT coming home till I go all the way across it. So if you don't see me for about a week, send a rescue crew over to the dam bridge. hehehehehehehe

Friday, January 21, 2011

So I am really liking this walk to work thing this time around. Maybe it is the winter cool air. Definitely beats the searing heat of summer when I wanted to lay down and die on the sidewalk. This time it is invigorating. Another 4/10 mile today:)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Headache lasted most of the night. It was real bad. Today I will be walking to work again. So let's chalk up another 4/10 of a mile for the Gym Virgin.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Parking in the parking lot again at more tower:(...walked 4/10 of a mile today on that trek. My head is killing me. Haven't felt this way in a long time...

So here's the deal on the contest. Son is too lose 68 lbs. Husband and me... 40 lbs each. Whoever gets there first is the winner. The 2 losers have to pay the winner $ 2.00 for every pound they have not lost. Why does Son have to lose more you ask??? Son has to lose more than us because he is young and we are not. Plus he is young and is a man and they lose faster anyways. He will probably win:)

Monday, January 17, 2011

9:15 am
Today.......................I will work out...I will hate it...But I WILL do it....I will do it because now I am in a race with Son, Husband, and maybe Daughter. There is money involved and I will NOT be paying these three!!!!!They will be paying ME!!!!!!!Details of our lucrative agreement will come tomorrow when I see if April is going to sign on. We have a signed contract so far between me, Son, and Husband.

Laters, gotta go to work!

4:43 pm
Today.....................I did the recumbent bike.........15 minutes.....mountain climbing program..........3.31 miles.....didn't have time to change.............3.31 miles in my work clothes and shoes.........i am so freaking hot.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

went to the little gym today at work. did 4.48 miles in 20 minutes on the recumbent bike. felt good to do that in the middle of the day:)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Went out at 7:00 am and did 1/2 mile around my neighborhood block. At 7 am, I figure it's ok to twist and shout with Chubby Checker while walking in the middle of the street! At least in Gym Virgin land it is. LOL

Saw a neighbor's driveway and it had a hopscotch drawn on it. Glad to know that in this city there are children who still hop some scotch. We did that back in the day. Does anybody remember 4 square? I loved that game.

Later gators!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I wanna dance with's raining men...i think we're alone now...loco-motion...burning love...a little less conversation and a little more action...jungle love...the twist...lady marmalade...ain't no velvet

This is my walk out music for January 2011. I went out at 7:30 am and walked 1/2 mile. yes, it hurt. but I did it. Stopped at the mail box station in my neighborhood and did step ups on the curb.

That's all for now, gotta go climb a mountain at work.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

So today is the first day of the best year ever! Today, I walked in Maumelle. I AM NOT A MAUMELLIAN. I can't afford Maumelle. But I do shop there and walk there. Today's walk include seeing the car wash (where I wash my car). Down the street is the new place called WokaWoka. I want to go there. Sounds like my kinda place. Next I saw this unbelievably gorgeous piece of machinery that ever came out of Detroit...a 1969 SS red with black stripes. The guy was standing there with his car and we talked. He restores cars. Said this little number would do a 100 mph easy. He wants $ 30k for it. I do so love a good looking car!!!!!