Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day off day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Started working on the closet of horrors. What a land mine. am throwing away stuff like crazy. found a Christmas book of pictures when April was married to the ex moron...tossed it all. didn't even salvage the pictures without him in it. tossed 2 lamps, baskets, picture frames, clothes, ribbon, wrap paper,.college books, papers, binders..have not even made a dent in this crap. almost tossed dell printer but didn't pledge to toss 3 things every day until this closet is clean and the office is walk in able!!!!!! My goal is as weight comes off the body...weight is also going out of my house....I am tired of saving things. had a ton of empty boxes I was saving to wrap things in. out out out . My criteria before tossing...if I don't truly love it, or if it doesn't make me laugh or is gone!!!!!!!!