Thursday, January 27, 2011

Can I grow my bank account and shrink my butt at the same time???? I have not had chocolate for 4 consecutive days. What's the big deal you ask? Well I will tell you... me and chocolate have had a very torrid love affair since before ET discovered Reese's Pieces. And the thing is I don't know why I haven't had chocolate. Well yes I do. I have not been inside a store of any kind all week. Usually, I will buy a candy bar when I am in a check out line. Could it really be that simple? No shopping=no chocolate.

Topic Jump...When I walk 4/10 of a mile daily to and from work...somebody help me I am about to do math which I hate...4/10 of a mile x 5 days = 20/10 = 2 miles?????? Is that right?????Let's pretend it is so I can just be so pleased with myself. Now, what would I have to walk to make that 3 miles per week??? Well, crap I guess I will have to get in my car and track the mileage around the block or something.

February starts next week...I need some IPOD music suggestions for February walking etc???????

BTW, I have come across another blogger you might find Young college kid doing her 1st marathon. Now here's what I liked. She ran over the Big Dam Bridge. She says the bridge has a 5% incline. 5% FREAKING INCLINE. NOW WONDER THE GYM VIRGIN WAS TOTALLY WIPED OUT. Nobody told me nothing about a 5% incline.
Oh and another thing, my sister aka drill seargeant, she tells me after I barely had time to savor the victory of my crossing the Big Dam Bridge...She says I have to incorporate this into my weekends now. Meaning she is suggesting I do this EVERY WEEKEND. I am not hauling my bubble butt across that dam bridge again. .....well I might think about it.....