Saturday, January 22, 2011

So Son just called...he wants to re-start the contest on Monday LOL...I love it...Husband CLAIMS he has lost 10 lbs...the man can't half see, I don't know if I trust his reading of that itty bitty # on the scale in a dimly lit utility room in our house. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I have lost 2 lbs. Why don't I get to be the people who lose like 8 lbs in 3 days????? Why, I ask you, Why???????

At my work, we are going to do a Biometrics deal on everybody. The whole world is going healthy!!! Well, my company has always been that way. They are awesome:)

Tomorrow, I am going back to the Big Dam Bridge. I am NOT coming home till I go all the way across it. So if you don't see me for about a week, send a rescue crew over to the dam bridge. hehehehehehehe