Monday, March 21, 2011


well to catch up.......well that's about it.LOL

not really......trying to live without coca cola......learning to love tab and fresca.....walked some vitamins, b12 and some other stuff......

Thursday, March 10, 2011

up at 6:34 am....went to the park...walked 1 and 1/2 miles....went to walmart...bought healthy food.....came home and realized i locked myself out of my house....

Friday, March 4, 2011

12:10pm .....forgot to tell you, the company doctor is actually a nurse practioner. she told me to keep a food and exercise journal. this morning for breakfast i had: egg white spinach omelette/1 pc whole wheat toast/1 banana/1 canned coke/1 tble butter.

walked to work from parking lot. i thought this took 10 minutes. crap it was only 4 minutes and that was from the car to my freaking desk! more later.

1:00 snack...16 oz unsweet tea...special K 90 calorie snack bar

4:00 lunch...16 oz water...grilled chicken on wheat, lettuce, mustard, tomato...walked 20 minutes

6:00 slices with 1 oz carmel sauce
6:13 snack...5 choco pretzels
9:00 supper...roasted chicken, pasta plain, water.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I had blood work done. I have never taken this seriously before. I have never had a doctor act like this was serious UNTIL NOW. Nobody in a white coat has ever acted like my numbers were bad.

I went to the company's health clinic they provide to employees. They called me today with my results. They were not happy. Now I am not happy. Here is the result:

Cholestrol 294 supposed to be <200
Triglycerides 278 supposed to be <150
LDL cholestrol 187 supposed to be <130
HDL cholestrol 51 GOOD
Thyroid levels 1 GOOD
Sugar levels 95 GOOD should be in 65-99 range
Vitamin D GOOD

They told me to go to the American Heart Association and get the low saturated fat diet. Am to do this for 8 weeks before they re-test the labs. Am to walk 20 minutes daily and work up to 30 minutes. They told me I cannot wait another day to do this. I AM TOTALLY FREAKED OUT! and I should be. THANK YOU COMPANY HEALTH CLINIC. I ONCE WAS BLIND BUT NOW I SEE.