Monday, August 16, 2010

Today is the start of a new week! I am at home working. Am doing the weight training book I told you about last week. Doing it in 10 minutes sections as time permits. Will get in 3 segments by 6:00. Then I am doing a step up and down deal on this little step up bench that I have had under the couch for 6 years. It is an aerobic step up bench deal. I am going to do step ups during commercials tonight when I am watching my recording of Mad Men. (Can I just say here that I adore Don Draper? If you don't watch this, you should:) That should be all total another 20 minutes. Doing what I can kids.

I am not where I want to be; but I am better than I used to be; and I am not as good as I am going to be!

Let's keep it moving...Later!