Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Did you hear that? That was the sound of my scales going head first into the dumpster. They lured me back in. Got me to weigh again. You know the rest of that story. Anytime I tell someone I am doing a 1 year workout marathon, they immediately say "How much have you lost?" Boy, do I need a snappy come back to that one. I guess I could say oh it's not about the weight loss, it's about the experience itself, finding out who I really am ya ya ya. What a load that is.

Well, I am walking again. Now up to 1 1/2 miles. This is real,outside, in the elements walking not that namby pamby treadmill simulated walking stuff. This is real walking, with real people skating past me, with real dogs pooping on the walking trail, and with real bikers in spandex/helmets zooming past so fast I literally spin around and go the other direction. This is not for the faint of heart that's for sure!

FYI, today at work, the I-am-going-to-eat-lunch-at-9:30 am-crowd was at it even earlier today - 9:12 am. Today's sampling was meatloaf, potatos, gravy, and macaroni. And just so you know, this group's biggest person is a whooping size 6. Again, I ask you world, WHERE IS THE JUSTICE? I am a size XYZ and having a 4 ounce cup of yogurt, a banana, and a 1/2 of a celery stalk.

Speaking of sizes, when I know you better I am going to tell the tale of the tape on myself. I plan to post a 1 month picture on July 15th and then every month thereafter.



Omniscient One said...

Hang in there Gym Virgin, and keep up the good work!! If you stay at it, the scales will give way eventually! If your body is not used to working out, you are probably begininig to build a lot of "new" muscle. Even slow-pace walking can build punds of muscle in your legs and thighs if your body is not accustomed to being physically active...and I remember you saying something in a previous post about leg presses. :) If you want to see more difference on the scale, substitute about 50% of the time you are spending doing weights and resistance training and stay on the treadmill/bike a little longer. Cardio workouts is where you will burn the most calories and start to see a difference on the scale. Once you start getting closer to a goal weight, you can start slowly adding in more weight training.