Monday, July 5, 2010

So on Sunday morning, I found myself thinking about the workout for Tuesday! Now, this really scares me. Could I possibly be looking forward to the workout? Have I crossed over to the dark side? And what if what I have always thought of as the dark side AKA exercise, is really the BRIGHT SIDE? What if it turns out I really like working out? This is MIND BOGGLING! What if it is not about how I look but how my body performs?

Here is what occurred to me. I was basing my day on what I was going to have for supper that night. In that, if we were having something crappy for supper, then I was in a bad mood pretty much the whole day. What if, I pondered, I start to look at food as a fuel and NOT as a focal point of the entire day???? What if I based my day on other things?

This led me to thinking what if I spent 30 minutes of my lunch hour at work in the gym? What if I ate a protein thing at morning break, then eat some fruit after the workout at noon, and then eat another protein at the afternoon break? My current behavior is to eat lunch I bring OR go down to the grill and get a hamburger and fries. What if I change my whole way of thinking about FOOD??? I am telling you this really scares me. I mean my whole 53 years has been about food in one form or another. WHAT IF I NO LONGER DEFINE MYSELF BY FOOD????????????????????????

I am able to tell a difference in my energy levels. I want to MOVE. This is so freaking me out. I have never had a MOVE mentality. Well at least not in terms of exercise. I have always been a perfectionist. Somehow this whole exercise thing has in some ways loosed me from that. My son told me yesterday not to compare myself with others. I think that is another thing I have always done whether consciously or unconsciously. I never thought exercise would have this kind of ripple effect.


The Sister said...

Welcome to the bright side! WOOOO HOOOO!